Thread Title Description Tags Added Score May 2009 4471600 Gods = Xom "So after checking out some ancient mythology, paying special attention to divine dickery, I came to conclusion that all gods are Xom. Discuss." And so they did. gods , mythology , dickery , Xom 2009-05-05 3 November 2009 6784778 Folklore monsters and heroes Discussing which monsters and heroes from folklore and old stories could make good encounters in games. mythology , setting , idea , heroes 2009-11-20 3 February 2010 8156923 Face on Mars fa/tg/uys attempt to reimagine the planets as a pantheon based not on Roman myth, but SCIENCE! Result: celestial mythology suggestions mixed with scribbling reaction faces onto the surface of Mars. space , mythology , lulz 2010-02-19 7 September 2011 16421732 WoodsQuest Papayawhip Spandexthrasher's first quest thread, which turned out to be pretty awesome. After hunting for some bunny rabits, we made an enemy out of Artemis, bro'd it up with Dionysus, rescued a nymph, and shenanigans! WoodsQuest , Collective Game , greek mythology , hunter 2011-09-26 11 16434154 WoodsQuest Ogg, our intrepid hunter now serves Dionysus as a chosen cleric! He's gotten smarter, better looking; he no longer hunts, tending a herd of nymphs and a vineyard instead. Ogg is now in Athens, attending an org-uh, a party. WoodsQuest , Collective Game , greek mythology , hunter 2011-09-27 8 16445256 WoodsQuest The third installment of WoodQuest, where we help Dio and Artemis battle Apollo, sleep with Artemis' cleric, then get home to find even more nymphs and the single most bitching pad in all of Greece.
Also, destroy Apollo. WoodsQuest , Collective Game , greek mythology , hunter 2011-09-28 6 16456653 WoodsQuest In which we meet many of the gods to discuss plans to steal Persephonne back from Hades. In this task, we will receive help from an unlikely ally... WoodsQuest , Collective Game , greek mythology , hunter 2011-09-29 5 16468804 WoodsQuest In this episode of WoodsQuest, we decent down to Hades in order to save Persephonne. After crossing the river Styx and dealing with Charon, we finally arrive in the underworld to do battle with the mighty and powerful Cerberus. WoodsQuest , Collective Game , greek mythology , hunter 2011-09-30 2 December 2011 17057731 Fucked-Up Folklore Stories of creatures whose IRL tales are even more messed up than their /tg/ incarnations mythology , stories , fucked up 2011-12-01 8 January 2012 17391388 Polar Setting discussion Nanook and friends share legends, creatures, and pictures from Inuit and other cultures. Nanook , polar , Inuit , Sami , Yakut , Eskimo , mythology , monsters , reindeer 2012-01-01 10 February 2012 17888118 That Guy stories from mythology Ancient mythology and some Shakespeare plays re-imagined as That Guy stories. mythology , funny , humor , Shakespeare , story , stories , That Guy 2012-02-11 16 March 2012 18350298 Middle Eastern Myth OP creates a starter-kit for making Arabian Nights themed settings, based on mythology, folklore, and history. Arabian , Mesopotamian , Egyptian , mythology , folklore , world building 2012-03-16 62 18442709 Vampire Lore OP posts information about Slavic vampire folklore and myth. vampires , vampire , myth , mythology , folklore 2012-03-24 11 September 2013 27012068 Christian mythology A surprisingly civil discussion about the parts of the bible that could be used in a game. bible , christianity , mythology , old testament, 2013-09-04 2 December 2013 29026431 Kamen Rider Myth Quest 1 The Hero's Arrival! Clash with the Crimson Crowned Coot! Kamen Rider , Kamen Rider Myth Quest , Collective Game , The Gentry , Irish Mythology , Folklore 2013-12-23 0 March 2014 30617033 Kamen Rider Myth Quest 3 Library. Friend of a friend. Goblins! Kamen Rider , Kamen Rider Myth Quest , Collective Game , The Gentry , Irish Mythology , Folklore 2014-03-05 0 May 2014 31959623 Noneuropean settings: inuitworld A discussion of mythologies shifts to an Inuit inspired setting featuring demon whales and weather trolls world building,mythology,Inuit,demon whale 2014-05-07 0 March 2015 38388096 Tales from African Mythology A kind anon imparts his knowledge of African mythology. Slight xenophobia seepage Anansi's an idiot , african mythology , ashanti 2015-03-02 15 April 2015 39416605 Mythology thread /tg/ shows off its love for mythology. Features hummingbirds and Purana Balls Z. mythology , indian mythology , greek mythology , native american mythology , native , native american , aztec , aztec mythology , 2015-04-20 3 May 2015 40134590 Halfblood Quest 1 Alex goes on a field trip , ends up at a camp for demigods, wins a battle and finds out his dad is the god of swole, Hercules. Collective game , Demigod , Greek mythology , Camp Halfblood , Hercules 2015-05-24 10 40180153 Halfblood Quest 2 Alex gets some cool new rings and fights for hot showers Collective game , Demigod , Greek mythology , Camp Halfblood , Hercules 2015-05-26 6 40280525 Halfblood Quest 3 We get a prophecy and go on a road trip with a couple friends. Someone pisses off Fortunate. Collective game , Demigod , Greek mythology , Camp Halfblood , Hercules 2015-05-31 4 June 2015 40589034 The Deep South of A Fantasy World /tg/ discusses the mythology of the Deep South and how to implement it in a fantasy game. Mythology , America , South , Deep South , Catfish , Fantasy 2015-06-15 12 July 2015 41154491 Spirit Science! After stumbling upon a mad man's mythology on YouTube, /tg/ tries to match it to a setting Spirit Science , Crazy , YouTube , mythology , setting 2015-07-12 5 August 2015 42023138 Ball Daggers and other Medieval Curiosities Tg discusses how the middle ages really were compared to how most know them. A lot of humor ensues including dragon cuckoldry, shit flinging in churches and perverted poems. history , Middle Ages , mythology , Christianity 2015-08-23 15 June 2016 47557272 Ideas for an middle eastern adventure In this thread Anons talk about the rich cultures and myths from the black sea region and how to homebrew them into a setting. culture , middle east , black sea , adventure ideas , brainstorming , mythology , religions 2016-06-05 5 209052 Muse Quest #1 A down-and-out man has a fateful encounter in a bar. The Quest to save the legendary figures, the Muses, has begun. The Red Lady , Quest , Mythology , Muse Quest , Muse , Tarot 2016-06-05 1 47856948 Origin stories for humanity and general mythology worldbuilding /tg/ invents new fantasy mythologies and discusses hybrids. humans , origin , pantheon , mythology , worldbuilding , deities , elf/dwarf hybrid, 2016-06-20 4 47922177 Jewish folklore is terrifying An anon discovers how grim and dark Jewish folklore is. Jewish anons pitch in to make it worse. folklore , discussion , mythology , myth 2016-06-24 13 October 2016 49723017 Releasing Prometheus Should modern humanity should try to rescue Prometheus from his eagle torture?
Of course we should. The dude did us a huge solid. setting , ethics , heartwarming , debt , greek mythology , gods , titans , zeus , zeus is an asshole , prometheus , eagle , liver , chains , hfy, 2016-10-11 7 November 2016 50128118 How would a setting based on slavic mythology work? OP asks what a campaign about Slavic mythology would be like. Mythology , Slavic Mythology 2016-11-08 2 50240157 Original Races besides the traditional orcs/elves/dwarves combo OP asks /tg/ for their ideas for new player races. Interesting worldbuilding and in-setting mythology result. races , species , worldbuilding , monsters , setting , mythology , ghouls , neon nightmare, 2016-11-18 8 December 2016 50661608 How would you set a high fantasy setting in the ruins of our world? Discussion and worldbuilding of a a post apocalyptic fantasy setting. Post Apocalyptic , setting , worldbuilding , mythology , Thundarr the Barbarian 2016-12-15 3 February 2017 51665650 Chinese fantasy/mythology Chinese fa/tg/uy provides a detailed overview of chinese fantasy/mythology: wuxia, xianxia, chinese "face" and much more. chinese mythology , cultivator , xianxia , wuxia , jianghu , wulin 2017-02-11 24 April 2017 52535995 Implementing shinto in D&D thread full of ideas, mechanics, adventure hooks, and comfy all about everyone's favorite weeaboo animism religion D&D , fantasy , fluff , touhou , catgirls , foxgirls , cute , comfy , not-trash-I-Promise , gods , mythology, 2017-04-08 5 June 2017 53990655 non-abrahamic monotheistic religion worldbuilding Worldbuilding and setting discussion about hypothetical monotheist religions derived from sources other than rehashed abrahamic mythology. worldbuilding , setting , religion , mythology , monotheistic , deity , god, 2017-06-30 6 August 2017 54724370 Fictitious Theology & Mythology Worldbuilding Discussion Worldbuilding fictitious religions for use in games. theology , mythology , pantheon , deity , deities , worldbuilding , religions , philosophy, 2017-08-06 2 April 2018 58901514 modern mythology A discussion of how post-apocalyptic religions might misinterpret the modern world. worldbuilding , mythology , religion , cultists , cult , future , post-apocalyptic , funny, 2018-04-04 2 August 2018 61434851 creation myths of your setting /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds ideas for in-setting fictitious religions. worldbuilding , setting , pantheon , religion , gods , deities , creation myths , mythology, 2018-08-19 2 September 2019 3835431 You are a Demigod Synchronos, the Son of Time begins his journey at the behest of the Fates, and only time will tell wherein it ends. Collective Game , Demigod , Mythology , Fantasy 2019-09-28 6 September 2021 81216566 Jewish/mesopotamian Mysticism as a setting Bronze Age Middle East worldbuilding with gnostic weirdness Mesopotamia , Judaism , mythology , world building 2021-09-13 1 January 2022 82716476 origins of humanity in your setting Fa/tg/uys share and discuss their original cosmologies. setting , worldbuilding , religion , mythology , cosmology , theology, 2022-01-06 -2 May 2022 84463018 Creatures from jewish mythology and folklore An ordinary low-effort thread is interrupted by mythology, the nature and confrontation of God, and analysis of Jewish identity. Law , Judaism , Jew , mythology , Torah , Kabbalah , egregore , rabbi 2022-05-15 2 June 2022 85052418 The Oobakiri Anon posts a species they invented and associated in-universe mythology and an alignment system involving cleansing your soul of impurity. worldbuilding , species , race , setting , mythology, 2022-06-29 6 October 2022 86174598 What if the soviet union had developed a tabletop RPG culture? In an alternate timeline, Gycakovich and Arnesov invent D&D in the 1974 Soviet Union instead of the US. alternate history , soviet union , D&D , system , slavic mythology, 2022-10-04 5 December 2022 5441344 A Dragon’s Flash A goblin’s journey to escape from the underworld and spend time in heaven after years of meaningless work. Goblin , Schizo QM , fantasy , based on mythology , horseriding , action 2022-12-12 12 5495063 A Dragon's Flash epilogue Epilogue of the Xil, the Goblin horserider, and some background notes Goblin , Schizo QM , fantasy , Epilogue , based on mythology , horseriding 2022-12-16 12 January 2023 87315526 Mesoamerican Fantasy Discussion about Mesoamerican mythology, how to use it properly in a game, etc. etc. Mesoamerican , native , mexico , fantasy , art , mythology , nahua , aztec 2023-01-22 3 April 2023 5593108 Sira cannot run a brothel! A lazy brothel keeper finally decides to care about his business. Spinoff of Goblin Assassin. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , swordfighting , SEA inspired mythology , brothel managment 2023-04-04 29 5629008 Sira can run a brothel! A brothel keeper gets involved in the darker schemes of his crime organization. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , SEA inspired mythology , horror , brothel management 2023-04-29 29 May 2023 5663865 Sira won’t be running a brothel! A brothel keeper confronts his past. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , SEA inspired mythology , brothel management 2023-05-14 31 June 2023 5653429 Draugr Quest A jarl's undead attendant gets a second chance at an adventurous life when he's called upon to collect a stolen ring Fantasy , Norse mythology , undead , witchcraft , subterfuge , honor 2023-06-17 1 January 2024 5845826 Olympus Incarnation Quest #1 Due to a mysterious system, you have become the incarnation of a Greek divinity Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2024-01-04 18 February 2024 5885101 Olympus Incarnation Quest #2 Atë faces off against law enforcement and infiltrates her pantheon of cliquey mean girl chaos goddesses Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2024-02-14 11 March 2024 5928164 Olympus Incarnation Quest #3 Atë, accompanied by a few allies from her pantheon, travel to Austria to hunt down a prospective member Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2024-03-27 10 May 2024 5964183 Olympus Incarnation Quest #4 Atë takes control of the Czech mafia, then attends a mysterious auction by and for incarnations Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2024-05-13 8 June 2024 6004703 Olympus Incarnation Quest #5 Atë meets a new ally and sets out on the hunt for the mysterious Isa. Unexpectedly, however, she uncovers a horror beyond comprehension. Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game , Eldritch , Horror 2024-06-17 10 July 2024 6037578 Olympus Incarnation Quest #6 Atë prepares for a confrontation with the formidable Heracles, a victim of her quest for power, by collecting new allies and abilities Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2024-07-31 7 September 2024 6095219 Petty Gods - The Pact of Solomon Anons create their own Gods and compete with each other for influence over mankind Multiplayer , Fantasy , Mythology , Historical 2024-09-06 1 6070163 Olympus Incarnation Quest #7 Atë faces off against ADAM, Heracles, and a revived Tisiphone. Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game 2024-09-21 6 November 2024 6107803 Olympus Incarnation Quest #8 Atë offers to solve some problems for her new Chinese ally, but a confrontation with the Uncrowned King ends in an unexpected outcome Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game , Eldritch , Horror 2024-11-16 2 6134429 False God Quest You are a god of nothing, It has been a very long time since you last heard a prayer. False God Quest , Mythology , OC setting , Fantasy , Adventure , Hexagons 2024-11-27 6 January 2025 6142153 Olympus Incarnation Quest #9 Stranded in a hostile plane, Atë tries to find a way home Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game , Eldritch , Horror 2025-01-18 2 February 2025 6168593 Deities Adrift, Chapter One A multiplayer god game using rules created by GodScribe, ran by GodScribe as well. Multiplayer , God Game , Fantasy , Mythology , GodScribe , Collective Game , Rules , God , Creation , Worldbuilding 2025-02-24 0 March 2025 6178488 Olympus Incarnation Quest #10 Atë makes her triumphant return from the other plane, and decides to reopen some old wounds in the pursuit of power. Mythology , Olympus , Incarnation , Villain Protagonist , Greek Mythos , Female Protagonist , Collective Game , Eldritch , Horror 2025-03-10 1