/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2008
2654786This Just Happened In A Game I'm DMingGame absentees and menstruating male dragons and gnomes in tall hats, oh mythis just happened2008-09-24 3 
October 2008
2901271This Just Happened In A Game I'm DMingFUCKING KENDER!this just happened, kender2008-10-29 5 
January 2009
3339817ores and stonesUp in this motherfucker.stones, ore, bismuth, UP IN THIS MOTHER FUCKER2009-01-07 6 
May 2009
4458881FUCK YOU II'M A D'awwwA "This Just Happened Comic" two parter with an unexpected and amusing ending.This Just Happened, Dragonborn, dawww, FUCK YOU I'M A DRAGON2009-05-04 2 
August 2009
5534211Talking with FRIEND COMPUTERFRIEND COMPUTER kindly assists all CLONES, TROUBLESHOOTERS and RESIDENTS OF ALPHA COMPLEX of suitable CLEARANCE LEVEL in answering QUESTIONS. Do you have BLUE CLEARANCE, CITIZEN?Paranoia, Your Not Cleared For This, FRIEND COMPUTER, Alpha Complex, Commie Mutant Traitors 2009-08-21 5 
September 2009
5881187NobleDark GrimBrightness!Someone makes an odd sentence construction. Anons bicker for a while. Then, Dr. Baron von Evilsatan arrives and generates win.Dr. Baron von Evilsatan, Evil, Satan, Noble, Dark, Grim, Bright, Grimdark, etc, too many tags, oh god how did this get here.2009-09-16 17 
5978922Items Cursed with FuOHDEARGOD/tg/ inadvertently creates the most horrifying cursed item imaginable. Bricks were shat, /d/ was pleasedcursed items, womb dagger, ultimate horror, what the fuck, what is this i don't even2009-09-24 40 
February 2010
8105568Lego + 40k = ?FUCKING WIN, THATS WHAT! Screw you, GW!lego, holy shit this is awesome, 40k, orkz2010-02-16 1 
March 2010
8619572/tg/ Movie trailers/tg/ puts on its Director Cap and makes some Movie Trailers based off characters and campaigns. Lights. Camera. Action.Trailer, Awesome, Movie, oh/tg/thisiswhyIloveyouso2010-03-17 3 
January 2011
13539370/tg/ adult dating adds98/F/Underdark Looking for male slave willing to submit to my every whim and call. Have cloak, will travel.adds, d&d, what is this I don't even2011-01-16 2 
May 2011
14825764Tsundere in tabletop gaming.An old Anime cliche is discussed in tabletop gaming situations by /tg/anime, tsundere, baka, /tg/, i-its not like I wanted to archive this thread or anything!2011-05-06 5 
September 2011
16459719This is your party: Strawhat EditionIn which /tg/ reveals it's love for One Piece.One Piece, Strawhats, This is your party, Oda2011-09-29 9 
January 2012
17580591MOI LI'L ORKY, BOYZ IZ WAAGH!Orkz are just like ponies. But with less cuteness and more killing.mlp, fim, ponies, orkz, boyz, 40k, what the fuck is this shit2012-01-18 8 
17663365YO ELF IS SO FATWhat began as a DM inquiring about the plausibility of corpulent elves according to D&D fluff quickly devolves into a fantasy version of the Dozens. yo elf is so fat, yo drow is so black, yo dwarf is so quickly, this is probably racist but i am not sure2012-01-25 15 
February 2012
17794854TG Quest 58:We turn around, we make a Plan, ArchSUE dies.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Sapphy, Kingdom Hearts, Holtz, DOSH, WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo2012-02-04 15 
17785546Another TGquest planning threadarchived so future readers can see our thought processesCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Sapphy, Kingdom Hearts, Holtz, DOSH, WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo, Orz, OrzAreStillATagBecauseWeAreWaitingForThemToComeBackAndBiteUsInTheAssForStupidity2012-02-06 6 
17828843On the habits of giants/tg/ turns a "see this, wat do" thread into a legitimate discussion on colonizing sapient cities on giants' backs.See This Wat Do, Colonized Giants, Why /tg/ is great2012-02-06 41 
17831503On the habits of giants 2 - On the Backs of GodsA continuation of the thread on colonizing giants. Now with worldbuilding!See This Wat Do, Colonized Giants, Why /tg/ is great2012-02-06 17 
17835096On the habits of giants 3 - On the Backs of Gods 2And /tg/ is still going! We've now spawned a quest, a wiki page, and we're steadily fleshing out the setting. We seem to have an official name now too.See This Wat Do, Colonized Giants, Why /tg/ is great, On the Backs of Gods2012-02-07 12 
17862334On the Backs of Gods 3Continuing design for the setting established in the previous threads.See This Wat Do, Colonized Giants, why tg is great, 2012-02-09 4 
May 2012
19164148Dorftales/tg/ invades Drowtales three years after everyone stopped giving a fuck.drowtales, dwarf, dorf, dwarfs, dwarves, derpadoo, fuck you for reading this faggot, goddamn get a life2012-05-20 11 
19202703Zerg Quest LXXXVIIThe Infestation of Earth continues! Also, a brief visit from MetaQuest OP. How sweet.Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Come closer my pretty, This injection is totally safe, Oh THAT Tyson!2012-05-23 9 
June 2012
19425243Mahou Shounen Quest 128We find a statue buried in the garden. WHY IS IT EVEN HERE?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, YOU ARE THIS MAD2012-06-10 11 
19439333Mahou Shounen Quest 129Stuff happens, and then there's that thing to consider. Totally not being vague.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, YOU ARE THIS MAD2012-06-11 12 
19449259Mahou Shounen Quest 130We reach the "climax" of the ST.Vicious mission. We need to get through this on a wing and a prayer.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, YOU ARE THIS MAD2012-06-12 16 
July 2012
19749704July 4th Deathstrike gameA store in the U.S. gets a 4th of July present from the U.K. A nuclear present.deathstrike, missile, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k, global games, crazy ass shit, this is why we play, "fireworks show"2012-07-05 20 
19993725The Ponyverse is horrifying/tg/ has a reasonable discussion about My Little Pony, mostly picking out the implications of horrifying classism and how Celestia has apparently designed her own Orwellian utopia (because it actually works)My Little Pony, civil discussion, how is this even happening2012-07-22 36 
20108717Mahou Shounen Quest 163Combat cook-off against Gordon Ramsay. We show Mio our stuff. She makes her move, we make ours. NO FRANK NOOOOOOOOO!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you only hate this because people told you to2012-07-31 6 
August 2012
20129547Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 5The Scraplootas, Blue's adoptive Ork tribe, are further developed. Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin, Squig Drone, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Titanocracy, At This Point The Scraplootas Are Just As Interesting As Blue, Boris2012-08-01 8 
20155647Mahou Shounen Quest 165Time for some SPEHSS HALK. We go treasure huntan with our pirate witch girlfriend. Waiting to see if Cogbeard comes.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, This one's for you EGO. Thanks for the free publicity.2012-08-03 8 
20200776Mahou Shounen Quest 168Sunday morning. Prepare to jump dimensions to get to Nanoha. PREPARE FOR FEELSCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you can't upvote this2012-08-06 6 
September 2012
20879390Kender SupriseOur feeble attempt to fight back only made them stronger.Kenders, Pockets, only the dead can know peace from this evil2012-09-27 40 
October 2012
21201927Danny Devito-sSo, I want to make a setting where everyone is Danny DeVito, but I'm encountering a lot So, I want to make a setting where everyone is Danny DeVito, but I'm encountering a lot So, I want to make a setting where everyone So, I want to make a setting where everyone is Danny DeVito...Danny, Devito, late night tg, actor, cockroaches, science, what, the, fuck, is, going, on, in, this, thread 2012-10-20 46 
21196892Choose your PrincessAn OP image with simple sprites and simpler stats leads into a frenzy of greentext princess adventuresPrincesses, Story Time, God I Wish This Was A Real Game2012-10-22 10 
December 2012
21845534Fate/Stay Again, Twelfth VerseIn which we find that projecting chairs is a really, really bad ideaNasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, This Chair2012-12-02 17 
May 2013
24713554Mahou Shounen Quest 194We go beyond the gate. *laughtrack*Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you 5 guptas can't upvote this2013-05-09 6 
June 2013
25300550/tg/ plays Mornington Crescent/tg/ plays a classic game, Docklands rules. As you'd expect, things get buggered up fast.Mornington Crescent, board game, card game, what kind of game is this, funny2013-06-07 6 
25574162Edgy Anime Quest 9Another round of jerking egos to the idea that you're better than other anime quests because the only waifu you romance is The Edge.Akuma Quest, Edgy, Collective Game, Anime is dumb, does this look like /a/ to you, remember when suptg was more than just a quest depot, me neither, quit roleplaying in unrelated threads you colossal faggot2013-06-22 38 
25645753Llama Babby Quest 67In which we torture and kill people at random all whilst we pride ourselves on how great of paladins we are. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Lesbians, ERP, Entomophilia, This is not how justice works, You monster2013-06-26 24 
25685591Yet Another Magical Little Girl Quest This time we are evil! SO ORIGINAL.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl, I wish I could think of a joke tag but this shit is already a joke2013-06-28 24 
July 2013
26010101Monsterrape Quest 8Don't worry, its just IRONICALLY shitty!Collective Game, Rape, Gangbangs, ERP, Twilight, You have killed the joke and dragged this gag out longer than a Family Guy sketch2013-07-15 2 
26030819Yet Another Animu Fanfiction QuestI don't think we have enough of these yet, so lets throw another turd on the barbie!Collective Game, Anime, Fanfiction, /a/, Waifus, Redundancy, Too much, Why are you doing this2013-07-15 5 
September 2013
27288856Rune Magic Thread 4: Repeating Fireball EditionRune arrays, as far as the eye can seerunes, game design, homebrew, magic, we've been at this for 15 hours2013-09-18 6 
27350417Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 12Explosive sides edition. We fix the hivemind problem.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, WhatisthisIdon'teven2013-09-22 5 
December 2013
29158243Genderbent Everloli Magical Monstergirl Exhibitionist QuestHow did it come to this, /tg/?Fetish, Monstergirls, Loli, Voyeur, Genderbending, Why is this even a thing, It makes me sick; how far we done fell2013-12-30 16 
29172627Genderbent Everjailbait Magical Monstergirl Exhibitionist With Big Hips Transformation QuestThis should be more accurateFetish, Monstergirls, Loli, Exhibition, Yuri, Genderbending, Harem, Why is this even a thing, It makes me sick; how far we done fell2013-12-30 39 
April 2014
31553537Gnolls, how do they even work?In which a DM responds to a player's request to fuck a Gnoll female, which turns into a discussion of the ethical and social impacts of Gnolls on societyGnoll, Furry, Sex, Anatomy, National Geographic, What is this, I don't even, DM, Urethradicks2014-04-18 7 
31587826What the fuck is this garbage?Seriously, Dran. I saw you started up a thread and I thought it was going to be Dead Last Ninja finally starting at a reasonable time, not this "Over(human)limit" garbage. I'm disappointed. DLN is better anyway, so you should run it more.Collective Game, Dranule, Edgy, Trash, Drop this, trust, me, I'm, doing, you, a, favor2014-04-20 4 
May 2014
32038874Sext Reentry QuestNothing says edgy quite like blackmailing a child into anal sex before anally raping her older sister too~!sex, butts, quest, yes this is a thing2014-05-10 3 
32074324Goat QuestGoat who is the Protagonist must search for the fabled goat tower.Collective Game, Goat, Ragdoll, Goat who is This Goat2014-05-12 8 
32112265Goat Quest 2: The FinaleGoat who is Protagonist completes his grand quest after overcoming many trials.Collective Game, Goat, Ragdoll, Goat who is This Goat2014-05-14 5 
July 2014
33149919Faggot Dragon Waifu Greentext Thread 2SO KAWAII! SO TSUNTSUN! SO UGUU! SO TWO!Dragons are for faggots, Waifus are for losers, Shame is for living with, This will never be good2014-07-03 10 
August 2014
34331215Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 1.We get intouch with our inner psychopath, in this thrilling tale of murder, romance, and Honkery. Gotta catch them all.Collective Game, MFSKQ, Quest, Murder, Obduction, Funny, Comedy, HONK, Elf Pokemon : Gotta Catch Em All : With Clowny Clownerson, please read this quest its actually really cool i promise guys,2014-08-23 5 
34346184Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest. TwoOur killer strikes again! We get cought inside some "Family trouble" And cook our captives some "Chicken fingers" Because we're totally nice and sane people. Stuff happens too, and then other things. We also get higher'd to kill a russian mafia guy or something, READ IT TO FIND OUT!Collective Game, MFSKQ, Quest, Murder, Obduction, Funny, Comedy, HONK, Elf Pokemon : Gotta Catch Em All : With Clowny Clownerson, please read this quest its actually really cool i promise guys,2014-08-24 7 
October 2014
35699495Redeemed Succubus Waifu Greentext Thread Cute Demon Kids Story Thread: Nonwaifu Editionwaifu, demons, why is this even a thing2014-10-25 12 
December 2014
36585852Magically Green Steve Blum QuestIn Stevest Blum, in Blumest Steve, no quest shall escape my shitposting!I like to discuss this quest in the middle of other quests!2014-12-05 7 
April 2015
39491041Post-Modern Magical Goyle QuestIt's tough being a gargoyle in the modern age. Back when art and architecture was all Gothic, you could assume a nice, respectable form like a snarling beast or sneering winged gremlin, but nowadays it's all cubes, chrome, and pissing in spaghettios cans.Collective Game, Statues, Gargoyles, There Is A Point Where This Should Have Ended And We Have Clearly Passed It2015-04-22 10 
June 2015
40392901/d/ shitfest the questCome join OP as he votes for his own quest because no one else will!Collective Game, Quest, /d/ pls go and stay go, Someone needs to help this guy make friends2015-06-05 5 
July 2015
41028238Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me.You still have not learned and I am ashamed.The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens, that's why I shitpost on the archives, coming out of retirement, I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is, please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works, it takes two seconds of your time, consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too, thanks, sincerly LWYS, XOXO2015-07-05 21 
September 2015
42676614The Second Goat Quest 01A sequel to Goat Quest? You have goat to be kidding me.Collective Game, Goat Quest, Goat, Goat who is QM, Ragdoll, Goat who is this goat2015-09-23 3 
42691970The Second Goat Quest 02I really wanted to see goats driving a car. I really did.Collective Game, Goat Quest, Goat, Goat who is QM, Ragdoll, Goat who is This Goat, Michael Bay Turdles2015-09-24 1 
42711843The Second Goat Quest 03Giraffe GET! Also, Michael Bay Turdles.Collective Game, Goat Quest, Goat, Goat who is QM, Ragdoll, Goat who is this goat, Tall Goat2015-09-25 1 
42718954The Second Goat Quest 04We do not become Deadgoa7.Collective Game, Goat Quest, Goat, Goat who is this goat, Ragdoll, Goat who is QM2015-09-26 1 
October 2015
42825706The second Goat Quest 06The finale!Goat Quest, Goat who is QM, Goat, Ragdoll, T-rex, Goat who is this goat2015-10-01 1 
November 2015
43817453It's Too Late for this Shit QuestIt's 8 AM. In the last two days, you've gotten three hours of sleep. And now, someone's pounding on your door.Collective Game, Tired, Shaderic, Too Late For This Shit, 2015-11-25 5 
January 2016
44945222Noah's Park Quest #1We begin our adventure as Jake Clark the NEET, stuck in a sick game. There, we meet a waspgal and cuddle a leechgirl.Collective Game, Quest, Noahs Park, We do things properly this time.2016-01-23 3 
45084461Real Life ShadowrunnersDisturbing real-life tales that would make great inspiration for Shadowrun games! And whose participants are essentially shadowrunners.Holy fucking shit, the fuck did I just read, is this shit for real, oh god this is real isn't it, Shadowrun2016-01-29 23 
May 2016
1752CIA QuestA journey into the mind of CIA agent Bill Wilson.Collective Game, CIA, Bane, Baneposting, Crashing This Plane2016-05-04 1 
December 2016
940621Newfound Magic Quest- Part 1In which Norman Fusilier is a wizard, and he is not happy about it. Newfound Magic, Collective Game, Never archived anything before oh god I hope i'm doing this right, Fantasy, Quest, Flexing Is Intimidating2016-12-19 1 
August 2017
1769302European Dragon Quest 70In this episode, we manage to fail exerting complete control over Finland, appoint Mannerheim to be it's ruler, and deal with the kobolds.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Collective Game, When will this fucking quest die?, 2017-08-23 1 
November 2017
56231624Magic: The Gathering Investors get BTFOWho spends $20,000 on a children's trading card game?magic the gathering, wizards, investors, collectibles, reprints, card economy, bad investments, you made this bed now get fucked in it2017-11-08 3 
June 2018
2658793My Older Brother Can't Be This Hard To Seduce QuestA frustrated little sister has had enough of waiting.Collective Game, Autism, Anime, My Older Brother Can't Be This Hard To Seduce2018-06-19 5 
2660264This Life of Mine: The Quest #1The wordy prologue where we decide on who our character is and how he wants to present himself to the world with his new found morality.This Life of Mine, Quest, Collective Game, 12018-06-19 2 
2669605This Life of Mine: The Quest #2We meet a mysterious third party on the lookout for us, delve into magic, and get into deep shit.This Life of Mine, Quest, Collective Game, 22018-06-23 1 
December 2018
3068873ShellStorm Command: The African FrontCursedQm returns! We embark for the African front to assist the exiled French against a German offensive!CursedQm, Shellstorm, shell Command, mechs, dieselpunk, Althistory, ww1, strategy, collective game 2018-12-02 2 
August 2022
5361577Operation OverlordAlt History Oneshot about Omaha BeachWW2, Axis, MG42, Collective Game, AltHistory2022-08-12 2 
December 2022
5460240American Collapse, or the Compact EraAs the year 2040 opens, America looks very different than it did a mere two years ago. But how did this happen? Let's take a look.drawfag, althistory, america, collapse, 2022-12-02 0 
July 2023
5684185MonsterRune (Erased Lives.) #1A certain branchy bastard and his gang try to scam their way to success.MonsterRune, Deltarune, Undertale, Thistle, Muffet, Muffet Mom, Catti, Berdly, Undyne, W.D Ghaster, Ghaster, King Dorado2023-07-20 0 
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