/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2008
1689459OrkonomicsEssay is posted regarding the role of teef in the ork ekonomy. /tg/ discuss dakka and hos.orks, teef, writefag, warhammer 40k2008-05-09 12 
November 2008
2941741Devoted FamiliarA fa/tg/uys asks if having a bunny familiar would make him seem gay. A writefag shows him it would make him grimdark.writefag, bunnies, familiars2008-11-05 45 
3032130BK's homebrew helpBardic Knowledge asks for help with a homebrew setting, and GURPSfag agrees to help him put it into GURPS.writefag, homebrew2008-11-20 0 
3059084Dark Heresy Campaign WritefaggotrySomeone's DH campaign arc ended. They wrote up the results in dense, hard-to-read format. Discussion of what to do with the little girl one PC rescued from a chaos orphanage and subsequently adopted ensuesDark Heresy, writefag, little girl2008-11-26 8 
January 2009
3387762Psyker LoveA description about if people can or do fall in love with Psykers in 40k. Also, writefaggotry.40k, psykers, writefag, love2009-01-14 7 
July 2009
5207708Wasteland Warrior, hot, passionate awkward gay sex and you.Another Wasteland Warrior story. This time he makes the stars wars prequels 235 times better.Wasteland Warrior, writefag, story2009-07-20 48 
August 2009
5368251Eliphas' Hovel of Pathetic Mortal Pleasures and TrainsetsWritefaggotry of a gameshop owned by Eliphas the Inheritor serving a 40k clientele.writefaggotry, writefag, 40k, Warhammer 40k, funny2009-08-08 7 
5553660The Imperial DiariesDiary of an IG on a would run by heretics.writefag, Imperial Diaries, IG, heresy2009-08-22 2 
5595046Stargate: 1939Indiana Jones x Einstein x Stargate writefaggery. Writefag, epic, awesome, stargate, indiana jones,2009-08-26 2 
October 2009
6182290More Drow+Paladin writefaggotryMore of the recent Renegade Drow+Paladin writefaggotry that's been rolling around lately, sure wish they'd finish the job so we can stop archiving multiple threads about it.Drow, writefag, paladin2009-10-08 12 
6216829Even more Drow+Paladin writefaggotryDrow-chan and Pally rescue a merchant's daughter, Drow-chan loses her powers, the duo arrive at a keep of PaladinsDrow, writefag, paladin2009-10-11 10 
6477312Wild Cards writefaggin'More writefaggin' about the Dealer, the Cards, and the slingers that use them.Wild Cards, writefag, writefagging2009-10-29 11 
November 2009
6905552Love can BLAMNo...love still can’t bloom.tau, writefag, writefaggotry, LCB, Love can bloom2009-11-28 8 
December 2009
7014112The Wayward ScoutA short story about the Scary Marines. It is most excellent.writefag, writefaggotry, 40k, Scary Marines, awesome2009-12-06 6 
January 2010
7704336Magic : the MusclingThe Newish Llanowar elves art gets everyone into a beefcake mood. Beefcake, in Magic: the Gathering. An amazing, manly portrayal of Magic: the Gathering rule mechanics Also, has some drawfaggotry drawthread, writefag, Mtg, Magic, drawfag, writethread2010-01-22 15 
7831493The /tg/ setting gameFa/tg/uys post pictures, writefags write settings based on it.settings, setting, writefag, write2010-01-30 1 
March 2010
8480716Adeptus Evangelion FluffBMJ asks for pieces of original content to help make his next gift for /tg/ all the more special. The fa/tg/uys prove their worth like champs. AdEva, AdeptusEvangelion, Evangelion, writefag, epic2010-03-09 17 
8613796Combat Chart PrototypeOP submits a combat oriented writefaggotry roll chart. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and the rest of the fa/tg/uys take it further.Writefag, Chart, Battle, Roll2010-03-16 0 
8633133True Tales of the Great CrusadeAwesome writefaggotry set during the Great Crusade about a wounded Imperial Army vet from Terra trying to retreat back to friendly lines on an icy death-world and the straggler who follows him.40k, writefag, manly tears, Great Crusade, Emprah2010-03-17 31 
April 2010
9169791THAT GUY discussionsA normal thread about THAT GUY of every group turns awesome when a writefag recounts a tale of triumph and glory against a THAT GUY.THAT GUY, writefag, paladin2010-04-14 6 
9453334Primarch's Daughters and SonsYet more Writefaggotry on the sons and daughters of the primarchsPrimarch's Daughters, Primarchs, writefag, 40k2010-04-27 -2 
May 2010
10171377Tale of the ArbiteAn Arbiter is cornered and begins to tell the tale of the Inquisitor he worked under.40k, writefag, Cale2010-05-31 0 
June 2010
10208453WW's drunken ramblings and Heresies. Heresy thread turns into WW storytime, complete with voice recordings from the man.Wasteland Warrior, storytime, WW, Drunk, story, writefag, Heresy2010-06-02 6 
September 2010
12141617DuskWood Hearts IIJoseph Evans and Cú Airúath Siblaid start the storytelling proper, and begin retelling their Inquisitorial mission alongside the Robo-loli, Rip and Knife-ophile, Lupus.story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-19 11 
12161415DuskWood Hearts IIIJoseph Evans and Cú Airúath Siblaid continue the storytelling, retelling the record of their first two battles alongside the Robo-loli, Rip and Knife-ophile, Lupus.story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-21 9 
12236243DuskWood Hearts VJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today they have drama in space, land on a swamp world, and someone almost gets shot in the head!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-09-27 7 
October 2010
12317098DuskWood Hearts VIJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's a cult ritual, a dismemberment, nightvision goggles, and someone gets engaged!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-10-04 7 
12400927DuskWood Hearts VIIJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's an interrupted wedding, another crazy person joins, an- WTF DID HE DO TO THAT DINOSAUR!?!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-10-11 7 
12391217Once Again, More Tau WritefaggotryTau Writefag returns yet again, this time with pissed off commanders and dead Chaos MarinesTau, Writefag, Mark, Matik2010-10-12 2 
12481769DuskWood Hearts VIIIJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's an ambush, rotting gorillas, hammer-space hijinks and two team members are more insane than previously thought!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-10-18 7 
November 2010
12717096DuskWood Hearts IXJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. A funeral, a genocide, crippling depression, someone gets dramatically slapped, and there are fancy clothes!story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-11-08 7 
12781103XS writesfags about mithra and viera relationshipsit's rather cute and such. anon talks about making a setting with both of them in it, and discuss FF bunny and cat girlsXS, FF, writefag, world building, storyteller2010-11-14 4 
12798995DuskWood Hearts XJoseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Murders on a funeral worlds holiday? What are the odds!?story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts2010-11-15 8 
December 2010
13077379Sentient OozeDiscussion about playing a sentient ooze character ends with exceptional and equally horrifying writefaggotry. writefag, slime, ooze, twist, sentient, oozemaster2010-12-08 15 
13346845The EngineersOP asks about making a universe with mister fixit engineers, slightly modeled after Dead Space. Truly awesome writefaggotry ensues, everyone rejoices.Dead Space, Engineers, setting, space, sci-fi, scifi, world building, writefag, writing2010-12-31 11 
January 2011
13458799Big Fucking Ship(s)Starts out with proposal of a 300,000 Light-Year Long spaceship. Discussion and speculation on the engineering and physics of such a vessel ensue. Also some pretty good writefaggotry. Setting, fluff, writefag, space, ship2011-01-10 4 
13692388Shattered Sun WritefaggotryThe Shattered Sun setting is given some original content and it is awesome.sun, setting, fantasy, writefag, writing2011-01-28 22 
March 2011
14153991Victorian Inspector GatchetGrimdark, cogpunk Inspector Gadget, what more do you want?writefag, story, fluff, inspector gadget, victorian, cogpunk, grimdark, gatchet2011-03-07 3 
April 2011
14399679The Tale of an Industrious Rogue"DM Kroft" expands (slowly) upon the tale of a rogue, his party, and their highly industrious insanity. Pathfinder, storytime, writefag, story time2011-04-01 33 
14452600Bad End Adventure SummarySuccessful rescue is not successful...D&D, Elf, Elves, Writefag, Bad End2011-04-03 5 
14513066They Fight Crime!Random generators and writefags unite as some unlikely couples are brought forth to fight crime!writefag, fight crime, couple, random generator, crime, fight2011-04-08 10 
14542831Stranded on an alien world 3More writefagging by 008 and company, drama, suspense and alien artifacts.writefag, alien world, stranded2011-04-11 6 
14579731Stranded on an alien world part 4Writefags beat the odds and another thread continues the awesome with more journals and stories. Suspense, Drama, gunshot wounds!alien world, stranded, writefag, lenore2011-04-14 7 
14644599Stranded on an alien world 6TG'ers enter their second year stranded on this world as the third wave of arrives start appearing. Drama, Suspense, Sex, writefagging.writefag, Lenore, alien world, stranded2011-04-20 7 
May 2011
14800794Tales of the EmperasqueWritefag Someone else. continues the epic tale of the Emperor who became a Tarrasque.writefaggotry, writefag, tarrasque, 40K2011-05-04 27 
15065499Tales of the Emperasque 6Someone else. returns to begin the next (and apparently final or second-to-last) arc of the Tales of the Emperasque.writefaggotry, writing, Someone_else., tarrasque, Emperasque, tales, writefaggotry, writefag, oddish2011-05-27 30 
September 2011
16423368The Garden of Ehnkieridian, Part One and TwoAn amazing tale of a group's quest's to root out an nefarious evil.writefag, garden, ehnkieridian, DnD, evil, DM2011-09-26 8 
January 2012
17523320TG helps inspire children's book(s)Op asks tg for help developing t tg related children's book we offer up cool suggestionsMilly, story,writefaggery,Paladin,writefag, Getting Shit Done2012-01-13 8 
17632664Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 3The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008. Now with more Avery.008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-22 44 
17648894Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 4The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008.008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-24 40 
17663235Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 5 The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008, now with more people.008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-25 37 
17670989Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 6The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008, now with dragons!008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-25 39 
17685424Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 7The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008, now with mindfuckery and barbarian trolling!008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-27 38 
17684321Humanity Fuck...ing AnalysisA writefag writes a really good analysis of humanity, and then creates a settinghumanity, writefag, aliens, goo-girls2012-01-27 13 
17705159Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 8The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008. Now with airships!008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-28 38 
17717365Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 9The continuing of a journal story of a person trapped in a fantasy world and his struggle to survive done by writefag 008. Now with close air support!008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-29 38 
17732681Trapped in a Fantasy World Pt 10The plot thickens when a distant branch of the Sun Church is revealed to know a little more than they ought to...008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-30 49 
17751162Trapped in a Fantasy World pt 11The epic story draws to a close.008, fantasy, d&d, writefag, adventure2012-01-31 60 
February 2012
17927799Eldar, adoption, and baking.Do Eldar adopt cross faction? What if Vect's daughter was raised by a Baker?Dark, Eldar, d'awww, Lofn, Writefag, Baking, <32012-02-15 6 
April 2012
18837867Magical Girl DystopiaMagical Girls take over and stunt human emotions by making everything into happy land. Rebels use gene therapy to become monsters and fight them. Fluuuuuuuuufffffluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-04-24 21 
May 2012
19085077Magical Girl Dystopia IIIMore fleshing out about the girls and the resistancefluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-14 5 
19119894Magical Girl Dystopia IVThe setting is solidified, ideas are developed, and issues from the last thread are snipped in the bud.fluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-18 2 
July 2012
19962789Mearls and 3.5Hot Man to Manual actionman on book action, erotica, epic, writefag, storytime, DnD, 3.52012-07-20 15 
December 2012
21851801Everyone Hates That Guy MikeOP tells the story of "That Guy Mike" and how after being invited to a Pathfinder game he proceeded to systematically make each person leave, each for a different reason!That Guy, Pathfinder, Storytime, game, writefag, mtg, magic, FLGS2012-12-02 33 
21951711Nation Game RP - Part TwoHomebrew Nation Building Game played every week on Skype as I writefag weekly updates for /tg/. This week our Professor takes us through the second turbulent year of the Proto-Age, where the thunder of war increases and violence accelerates with the rapid expansion of the new city-states.nation, nation builder, roleplay, writefaggotry, writefag, homebrew, worldbuilding, storytime 2012-12-08 8 
22003484Your Generic Fantasy SelfOP tells folks what they'd be if they were PCs. Pretty creative.Writefag, funny2012-12-12 12 
September 2013
27263830Blind Aliens, Absent HumansSome aliens get all in a kerfuffle over the scary humans who are appearing back on the galactic stage. Intrepid reports seek to calm fears.writing, writefag, sci-fi, science fiction, humanity, aliens2013-09-17 38 
27281042Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Part 2The continuing saga of the expedition into human space.writing, writefag, sci-fi, science fiction, humanity, aliens, Blind Aliens, BlindSlug2013-09-18 35 
27368507Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Part 3The gang fights off the Zealots and obtains the Human Specialist!writing, writefag, sci-fi, science fiction, humanity, aliens, Blind Aliens, BlindSlug2013-09-23 29 
27439808Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Part 4The Sly Jiggle encounters a convenient source of free fuel and a convenient nest of hostile craft.writing, writefag, sci-fi, science fiction, humanity, aliens, Blind Aliens, BlindSlug2013-09-27 25 
December 2013
28943773World of Lenore 14in which many things happen and we gain a few new writers. Gearing up for a counter attack on Fedoran lands and kickstarting industry in our towns, mars gun pattern highly debatedcollective game, lenore, lenore quest, writefag, alien world, stranded, irc2013-12-24 6 
January 2014
29201755World of Lenore 16Fedorans shoot babies off towers and strike back against the 6th Column, while Ms Fortune deals with the Whizzard in Kitycity. New Babel Founded and more fluff on the world of Lenore. Thread 15 included in archivefoolz link.Collective Game, lenore, lenore quest, writefag, alien world, stranded, irc2014-01-06 7 
29322950World of Lenore 17Manx and Ms.Fortune finally meet, Lewis Carrol gets some love, the Expat returns, Population figures are discussed and New Babel in /int/ gets new fluff.Collective Game, lenore, lenore quest, writefag, alien world, stranded, irc2014-01-10 6 
29486770One party and AbsolutionAnon tells the story of his party rising through the ranks to change the world in increasingly extreme ways.Storytime, Writefag, Absolution, Badger god2014-01-13 48 
29435172World of Lenore 18In which Matthew and ButterRoot Mayor have some words, Commander Manx and Ms. Fortune set plans for the fate of Kitty City, A convoy sets out from Honeypot and Various new creatures are fleshed out. Oh and the 8th wave is starting to appear.collective game, lenore, lenore quest, writefag, alien world, stranded, irc2014-01-15 7 
29538459World of Lenore 19The 8th wave begins! The Confed Counsel debates gun control and the new thread rising from Fedoran Lands. A cease fire is brokered with /y/ and /b/. Lucky takes over running Camp Abaddon and the Confed counsel starts the Department of Wave Affairs. The EMC spreads it's network and mounts a rescue operation to /sci/ lands. The rise of Bloke's 8th waver city starts as does the appearance of a strange Bearded with a unlikely ally.collective game, lenore, lenore quest, writefag, alien world, stranded, irc2014-01-20 8 
29775059World of Lenore 20New settlements are founded, /b/ and /y/ negotiate peace with the Confederacy of /tg/, and the Decaying Empire attacks Monstergirlopolis.lenore_quest, lenore, Collective_Game, writefag, alien_world, irc, 2014-01-28 5 
29893430Disney Villains in the Star Wars universe/tg/ discusses roles and power levels of Disney Villains in the star wars universe, also GastonDisney, Sith, Star Wars, writefag, sci-fi2014-01-30 11 
March 2014
31000748Magical Kingdom Writefaggotry"Scenario: You suddenly find yourself in charge of your standard fairytale kingdom. How you ended up in charge is unimportant. Maybe you're a long-lost heir misplaced by an incompetent king, maybe you're a charming hero who was for some reason given the hand of a crown princess due to generosity of an incompetent king or maybe you just killed the off the previous ruler in a revolution against his kingly incompetence. The important part is that the realm you oversee is a full-blown Disney-out-the-ass type of deal complete with rebellious princesses, braggart wannabe-heroes, charming underdog commoners, bumbling advisors, an evil sorcerer or two with perhaps a dragon on standby, an overabundance of animal companions and woodland creatures that for some reason aren't being turned into food, wish-granting fairies/gnomes/trolls and a metric fuckton of things that shouldn't talk or sing but do both. As you might expect, the place is a shithole and on the verge of financial and socio-political ruin. How does a bad dude like yourself build this brightly colored trainwreck into a military and economic superpower feared the not-world over."writefaggotry, writefag, Hypnojew, disney, story, time, storytime, no discussion2014-03-23 9 
April 2014
31206318Tales from Selyn - Volume 1OP fell for an April Foolz (sic)selyn, writefag, writefaggotry, awesome 2014-04-02 5 
June 2014
33087664The Overlord Who Could Not Be EvilStorytime of a wannabe Dark Lord whose attempts at "evil" all backfire making him beloved by the people as a great hero, much to his displeasure. Wipes out a religion? Later everyone finds out it was into human sacrifice. Imports evil creatures such as liches? Necro-industry! Kicks a puppy? The damned thing was a plague carrier!Overlord, Evil, Heroic, Failure, Story, Writefag, Heartwarming,2014-06-30 20 
November 2014
36380664Aerwin the Mon'Keigh ExpertAerwin Stroud, Eldar Explorer, travels all over the Galaxy in order to bring knowledge of the Human Race back to her craftworld brethren. Accompanying her is the Wraithguard Cameraman, Dave, and the Soundgrot, Mike. Featuring Inquisitor Attenborough.Elder, Aerwin, writefag, drawfag, dave, Wraithguard, grot, mike2014-11-26 32 
36413926New adventures with Aerwin The show of Aerwin the eldar mon-keigh expert and her crew continuesEldar, Aerwin, writefag, drawfag, dave, Wraithguard, grot, mike2014-11-27 7 
December 2014
36623693Cyberpunk Civilian LifeAnon asks what citizen life in a cyberpunk world would be like. A discussion on freedoms vs effectivity, multiple already existing works of cyberpunk and feels-inducing stories takes place. Also a bit of on-topic discussion, cyborg lawyer hiveminds, recommendations for how to make insects edible and a discussion on christ figures in fiction.cyberpunk, worldbuilding, writefag, feels, insects,2014-12-08 5 
36684981If Caesar were alive today...Would he still be a good general? A discussion on strategy and warfare in the modern age. Also, writefaggotry about Hannibal and Scipiowar, strategy, writefag, Caesar, Hannibal, Scipio, generals, discussion2014-12-11 5 
January 2015
37171170The Book of SauronOP makes a "Sauron did nothing wrong" joke thread. /tg/ proves untrollable and starts worldbuilding the Book of Sauron and his possible return.LotR, Sauron, Worldbuilding, Writefag, Book, City, Dystopia, Horror2015-01-06 6 
37267602Expedition to the Surface World!Urist McDorfking meets with a returning party of dwarven adventurers to ask what the surface world is like. Misinterpretation, elf-hate, great works of industry and cosmology discussion result. Then writefags show up.dwarf, dwarves, cosmology, misinterpretation, storytime, writefag,2015-01-10 3 
March 2015
38813279MORTAL KOMBAT!!!! TG Slowly builds a Mortal Kombat Character. A Biracial Viking biker with ice powers. AwesomeMortal Kombat, TG Get's Shit Done, Worldbuilding, Writefag, Drawfag2015-03-20 1 
July 2015
41342242Of bunnies and /tg/interesting Ideas of how rabbit people can be a viable replacement for goblins and extra uses in settings are talked about, and then a writefag drops a feels nuke and it a good thing too.fluff, bunnies, creative, writefag, /tg/ isn't always a cruel place, world settings2015-07-21 5 
August 2015
41901253Mandala of FortunePut your character up. Name their greatest deeds and virtues. Now their greatest sins. Spin the Mandala of Fortune and see what (often epic!) afterlife your protagonist/antagonist will suffer before Enlightenment!writefaggotry, Hinduism, Buddhism, allignment, writefag, fluff, awesome, religion, afterlife, player character, good end, bad end, allignment, epic2015-08-17 31 
February 2016
45146238Pirates of the Caribbean as an RPG CampaignA few writefags re-invent various scenes from the Pirates of the Caribbean as the antics of group of RPG players.Writefag, stories, Pirates, Pirates of the Caribbean, story, what if2016-02-02 57 
45474381The Landwhale, and other storiesWritefag KTC tells wild stories that may or may not be true, of landwhales, magical realms and furries.writefag, landwhale. furries. yiff. writefagging.2016-02-17 23 
December 2016
50620632Love and Krieg 2.0, a prequel. The story of guardsmen and a krieger. Brand new content, good writefaggotry.writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k,2016-12-20 36 
50794296Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 2The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger.writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k2016-12-22 21 
50881479Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 3The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Kriegerwritefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k2016-12-26 20 
January 2017
50973859Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 4The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Kriegerwritefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k2017-01-02 15 
51070350Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 5The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegerswritefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen2017-01-08 12 
51228215Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 6The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegers.writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen2017-01-17 10 
51323170Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 7The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegers. Also, Ogryns. Also, Orks?writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen, MyNameisMimikyu2017-01-21 10 
51423554Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 8The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegers. Also, Ogryns. Also, Orks?writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen, MyNameisMimikyu2017-01-28 8 
February 2017
51499073Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 9The continuing story of a Guardsman and a Krieger. Also, an Enginseer and other Kriegers. And Ogryns and Orks and Witches, oh my!writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen, MyNameisMimikyu, 76-Records2017-02-01 8 
51604789Love and krieg 2.0 Ork edition no.10Thr continuation of all the writefaggottry.krieg, love and krieg 2.0, writefaggotty, storytime, writefag,2017-02-11 6 
51754631A day in the life of a guardsmanTurns out guardsmen don't have the best days.warhammer 40k, writefag, the imperial guard, a day in the life2017-02-25 18 
51703670Love and Krieg 2.0, Thread 11Commissar Editionwritefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen, MyNameisMimikyu, 76-Records2017-02-27 6 
March 2017
51918644Love and Krieg 12: Thudd EditionA new person joins and Mimikyu finally finishes his story.writefag, story, Love and Krieg, Krieger, WH40k, BataviAnon, High Proctor Kraellen, MyNameisMimikyu, 76-Records2017-03-05 6 
51891571A day in the life of a Guardsman 2Turns out guardsmen don't have the best days. warhammer 40k, writefag, the imperial guard, a day in the life, writefaggotry2017-03-09 4 
February 2018
57747266Alpha Centauri reduxRPG dumps based on the famous strategy game. Also "Left Behind", for some reason.Alpha Centauri, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, SMAC, writefag, Left Beyond2018-02-04 4 
June 2018
60136434HFY Thread With Original StoriesA HFY thread with the rarest of things, original stories rather than just reposting and memes.HFY, fiction, storytime, writefag, greentext, original content,2018-06-09 9 
April 2020
72111866warning the EmperorIf an anon got transported to the Great Crusade era, would they be morally obligated to warn the Emperor, and how could they manage it?storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned,2020-04-22 56 
72167194warning the Emperor thread #2A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. Now with extra storytime. storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-04-24 30 
72198499warning the emperor #3A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy.storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-04-27 28 
May 2020
72654633warning the emperor #4A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-05-20 38 
72796998Warning the Emperor #5A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. Now featuring Leman Russ.storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-05-26 73 
July 2020
73793884Parchment and Bolter (Thread 4)Anon continues to write a story about adept #5552, a perpetual who becomes the mother figure for the Primarchs and the Imperium as a whole40k, /tg/, story, writefag, writefaggotry2020-07-21 21 
73962519Parchment and Bolter (Thread 5)Anon continues to write a story about adept #5552, a perpetual who becomes the mother figure for the Primarchs and the Imperium as a whole40k, /tg/, story, writefag, writefaggotry2020-07-27 22 
September 2020
74638599Warning the Emperor #6A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-09-02 37 
74732945Warning The Emperor #7A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-09-05 65 
October 2020
75487548Warning The Emperor #8A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-10-19 81 
December 2020
76228931Warning The Emperor #9A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2020-12-01 73 
76603321 Parchment and Bolter RevampOP from before decides to redo the story40k, /tg/, story, writefag, writefaggotry2020-12-26 19 
February 2021
77635575Warning The Emperor #10A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2021-02-21 44 
77703486Warning The Emperor #11A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2021-02-23 42 
77704221Saving Private Mon'KeighWhat if cupanon was a craftworld Eldar?storytime, Writefag, eldar, 30k, time travel, not as planned2021-02-24 53 
77782960Warning The Emperor #12 Prelude A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel2021-02-28 66 
March 2021
78144407cybermen plothooksA prolific writefag comes up with a bunch of original plothooks involving the cybermen from doctor who and adding them to other settings.plothooks, doctor who, cybermen, cyberman, writefag,2021-03-21 1 
78144460demobilizing veteran cyborg supersoldiersOnce the war is over, what happens to the cybernetically augmented veterans?worldbuilding, cyberpunk, supersoldier, robocop, six million dollar man, cyborg, transhuman, posthuman, storytime, writefag,2021-03-22 0 
April 2021
78475385So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what?What if cupanon was a necron. A nobody from the modern day is isekai'ed as necron cryptek millions of years before anything.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-05 63 
78533839So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #2A continuation of Cryptek anon's attempts to to preemptively prevent the creation of the most evil factions and saving tombworlds.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-08 43 
78583130So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #3A continuation of Cryptek anon's attempts to to preemptively prevent the creation of the most evil factions and to becoming stronger.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-10 34 
78580874Word Bearer Isekai Thread 1Another Based Isekai Thread arrivesstorytime, writefag, time travel, word bearers2021-04-10 33 
78620743So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #4A continuation of Cryptek anon's adventure. He'll speak with Orikan + the Awakened Council and by the end try to save a dying tombworld.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-12 32 
78673520So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #5A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Now done with the awakened council anon can finally save a tombworld from decaying to deathstorytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-15 31 
78741798So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #6A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Having just saved an entire tomb, anon now has to deal with the repercussions of his actions.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-19 26 
78677894The Rising of Hivefleet AnonAnon gets isekia'ed as a Nidstorytime,writefag,Warhammer40k,Tyranids2021-04-21 27 
78798673So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #7A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Forced to spill the beans on the future, anon now aims for the blackstone fortresses.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-22 26 
78832381So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #8A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Anon has finally reached a Blackstone fortress. Its unknown what threats he may face inside.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-24 38 
78828951Parchments and Bolters Redux (Thread 2)The continued remake of Parchments and Bolterswritefaggotry, writefag, 40k, storytime2021-04-24 20 
4766508So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #8.5A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures now on QST. Anon travels the depths of the Blackstone fortress, finding all kinds of tech/xenosstorytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-04-25 27 
May 2021
4801549So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #9A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures now on QST. Anon becomes more C'Tan-like.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-05-15 26 
June 2021
4864481So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #10A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Having collected his prizes, Anon makes way for home. Little does he know much awaits him.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-06-19 23 
July 2021
80126761Word Bearer Isekai Thread 2Orator-Anon continues the adventure of Anon as he and the Word Bearer to change the course of Warhammer 30k. storytime, writefag, time travel, word bearers, Warhammer40k, Warhammer30k2021-07-04 30 
September 2021
4980716So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #11A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Anon finally gets what he was missing. But still, events force anon's hand into trouble.storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2021-09-07 27 
March 2022
83658735The Empress of Humanity Anon rewrites Parchment And Bolter40k, /tg/, writefag, 2022-03-11 25 
April 2022
84072398The Empress of Humanity 3Continuation of anon rewriting Parchment And Bolter. 40k, /tg/, writefag,2022-04-10 23 
January 2023
87277920Saving Private Mon'Keigh #2Mon'Keigh Eldar's attempts at preventing the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Eldar, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, Time Travel, 30k2023-01-09 38 
January 2025
6147404So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #13A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Anon commits to a heist, recruiting none other than trazyn the infinite. What will anon steal?storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons2025-01-04 5 
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