/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

June 2012
19584339Freeform Draw QuestA quest where every 3rd reply is fulfilled. It soon turns to insanity.Collective Game, Freeform Draw Quest, Fail, Insanity, Rub, Gaben, Chaos, Law2012-06-23 15 
February 2014
30106195Poland Ball Quest 2Poland steals Japan's katana. France tries to surrender. Collective Game, Poland Ball Quest, POLANDBALLQUEST, draw quest2014-02-09 7 
30420596Poland Ball Quest 3Americaball kicks ass and takes names. Collective game, Poland Ball Quest, POLANDBALLQUEST, draw quest2014-02-23 5 
July 2014
33474748Quest QuestPlay a character until it completes its objective or bad ends. Then roll up a new one.Quest Quest, Collective Game, Draw Quest2014-07-18 14 
33713660Faster Than Sound Quest In which we become the captain of our own ship. We meet the crew, head off into space, then promptly encounter pirates. Faster Than Sound Quest, Collective Game, draw quest2014-07-28 5 
33744734Faster Than Sound Quest 2In which we become the captain of our own ship. We meet the crew, head off into space, then promptly encounter pirates. This time you investigated an empty ship, which caused Newrii to be infected with some weird goo and is being treated. You also bought a new hat.Faster Than Sound Quest, Collective Game, draw quest, space, alien, aliens,2014-07-30 5 
33770758Faster Than Sound Quest 3This time Neewri becomes healthy again after the goo infection, and Akraj joins the crew aswell.Faster Than Sound Quest, Collective Game, draw quest, space, alien, aliens,2014-07-31 1 
October 2014
35794586Paladin QuestWe go to defeat the lich.Paladin Quest, Draw Quest, Collective Game2014-10-30 0 
35806492Chelsey QuestYou are Chelsey Hall, a bored and lonely girl.Collective Game, Chelsey Hall, Drawquest, Draw Quest2014-10-30 0 
November 2014
36100876chen questthe fantastic adventure of chen Collective Game, chen, cirno, 11/11, touhou, draw quest, drawquest, 2014-11-11 26 
36339943Teenage Android QuestIssac arrives at school, learns how to hold a conversation, and meets his roommate(s?).Collective Game, Teenage Android Quest, Drawquest, draw quest2014-11-23 1 
April 2015
39074654tewi questtewi pranks a lot of people Collective Game, tewi quest, cirno, draw quest, drawquest, touhou 2015-04-02 10 
March 2017
1192069Masterpiece of a Shattered GodA draw game, the premise being that anons are the shattered consciousness of a God seeking to create his masterpiece.Collective Game, Masterpiece, Shattered, God, Masterpiece of a Shattered God, MSG, MSG Quest, Draw, Draw Thread, Draw Quest2017-03-01 1 
June 2017
1554706Copper Age Draw QuestA shaman works in the communitycopper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest2017-06-09 4 
1593056drawing stuff IIIa break out is botched and we return to the foldcopper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest, era draw quest2017-06-22 1 
July 2017
1673449I'll draw you stuff VITublat has a frightening conversation with a tainted spirit.copper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest2017-07-19 1 
August 2018
2830410The Very Bad SamuraiA Samurai Jack One Shot narrated by the mysterious "Uka"dolomite, Samurai, Samurai Jack, one shot, draw quest2018-08-25 10 
September 2018
2839196Seeker Quest 35The battle is all but won, some warriors desert the battle to loot the town.seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, draw quest2018-09-07 2 
2856338Seeker Quest 36After battle celebration, Christof takes the opportunity to speak with the Arch-DukeSeeker Quest, fantasy, dolomite, draw quest2018-09-14 3 
2888792Postman Knight quest!We go through our first steps and pass the tests in order to be accepted as trainees.Draw Quest, Postman Knight, Gpqm2018-09-21 1 
October 2018
2950839Seeker Quest 38Christof beats the shit out of Ulric and then the party gets surrounded by bloodthirsty jabberwocksseeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2018-10-18 3 
2963408Postman Knight quest! Part 2Op died then revived then died again. Also picked a fight with a midgetDraw Quest, Postman Knight, Gpqm Collective Game, Fantasy, 2018-10-25 1 
December 2018
3069699Seeker Quest 39Suspiciously well equipped bandits ambush the party in a crystal cave.Seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2018-12-04 3 
3087623Seeker Quest 40The illusion wielding bandits are defeated. Christof takes his team onwards to the lair of the dark wizards and meets a hostile transmuter.Seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2018-12-10 3 
3099627Seeker Quest 41Fight against the traitorous Salaman and his sister IkaraSeeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2018-12-16 3 
3115597Seeker Quest 42The group leaves Salaman in jail and goes on to complete the mission without him. A strange necromancer offers some potions to help. Seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2018-12-31 2 
January 2019
3159460Seeker Quest 43The party flees through the night under hail and torrential rain. A creature of the night ambushes them.Seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2019-01-13 3 
3177187Seeker Quest 44A large wizard battle commences. Seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2019-01-21 3 
3194255Seeker Quest 45The wicked sorcerers are defeated but their leader manages to escape.Seeker quest, dolomite, fantasy, RPG, draw quest2019-01-27 3 
July 2019
3582364Elf Femboy Civ 1Turns 1 to 13Dolomite, Civilization, Civ, draw quest, fantasy, elf, elves2019-07-02 2 
3620610Elf Femboy Civ 2Turns 14 to 25Dolomite, Civilization, Civ, draw quest, fantasy, elf, elves2019-07-15 1 
3646002Slime QuestA small, blind slime awakens to find themselves in possession of some strange powdery substance. New things begin to take hold as they grow.slime quest, fenster, draw quest2019-07-25 4 
3664289Elf Femboy Civ 3Turns 26 to 35Dolomite, Civilization, Civ, draw quest, fantasy, elf, elves2019-07-30 0 
August 2019
3707664Elf Femboy Civ 4Turns 36 to 45Dolomite, Civilization, Civ, draw quest, fantasy, elf, elves2019-08-11 2 
3734159Tiefling Quest ICheechong is born. Our proud parents send us to Ratzits School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We join House of Silverfish. Idrow, Tiefling Quest, Tiefling, School, Draw quest, Magic2019-08-21 8 
3739222Elf Femboy Civ 4Turns 45 to EndDolomite, Civilization, Civ, draw quest, fantasy, elf, elves2019-08-26 3 
3751302Slime Quest (p2)The second installment of the series, long awaited and too small to be satisfying.slime quest, fenster, draw quest, ser fuzzylad, faerie, slime, sword, bottle, hammer2019-08-29 1 
September 2019
3762843Tiefling Quest IICheechong joins the brisqball team, gets a buncha books, and smokes abyssal airIdrow, Tiefling Quest, Tiefling, School, Draw quest, Magic2019-09-09 1 
October 2019
3851888Tiefling Quest IIIWe meet Cheechong's brother Chinch who's in love with a mermaidIdrow, Tiefling Quest, Tiefling, Draw quest, Mermaids2019-10-06 1 
November 2019
3900176Slime Quest (pt3)Some time has passed, allowing for new arrivals, fateful encounters, and... a new perspective?slime quest, fenster, draw quest, ser fuzzylad, faerie, slime, sword, bottle, hammer, blunder, goblin, kobold, combat, skeleton, robes2019-11-23 0 
December 2019
3937258Slime Quest (pt4)Runecraft is performed before going on hiatus.slime quest, fenster, draw quest, ser fuzzylad, faerie, slime, sword, bottle, hammer, blunder, goblin, kobold, combat, skeleton, robes,2019-12-01 0 
April 2020
4150601Rimworld - Medicine ManA young tribal living on a lawless planet on the edge of the galaxy embarks on a journeyRimworld, Sci-fi, Tribal, Draw Quest, Dolomite2020-04-10 1 
4175866Rimworld - Medicine Man 2Quest discontinuedRimworld, Sci-fi, Tribal, Draw Quest, Dolomite2020-04-18 0 
June 2020
4276440Abandoned Robot QuestAn abandoned robot wakes up on a junkyard planet with only a few minutes of battery life left.Robot, robot quest, draw quest, drawquest2020-06-21 5 
July 2020
4326105Abandoned Robot Quest: Chapter 2An abandoned robot befriends another robot, and they work together to try to escape the planet they're on.Robot, robot quest, draw quest, drawquest, Collective Game2020-07-10 3 
August 2020
4395004Abandoned Robot Quest: Chapter 3An abandoned robot prepares to be the defense in a case against his moth friend.Robot, robot quest, draw quest, drawquest, Collective Game2020-08-20 1 
February 2021
4611443Chalco Civ 1The first thread of Chalco civ, the founding of the village begins. And the meeting of some of the local entities.Chalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-02-17 10 
March 2021
4670173Abandoned Robot Quest: Chapter 3.5Boss wakes up alone in an unknown place with only a few minutes of battery life left.Robot, Robot Quest, draw quest, drawquest, Collective Game, space, sci-fi2021-03-22 1 
4656814Chalco Civ 2The village develops, the first wave of migrants arrives. Two cultures are met; camel riding raiders and bronze working traders.Chalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-03-24 7 
April 2021
4715063Chalco Civ 3You battle the Djenak Balai warriors, some assholes steal all your food, and a giant pig shows upChalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-04-30 5 
June 2021
4785874Chalco Civ 4Winter rain! Mountain Climbing! Beer Brewing! The birth of a monstrous giant spider industry!Chalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-06-02 6 
July 2021
4868078Chalco Civ 5Contact with the Killa warriors in the South East forests. Metalworking and watch towers. Battles against the bandits.Chalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-07-09 3 
August 2023
5710873Swordsman Quest, OneshotA wandering blade enters town with conspiracy, murder and his own guilt.Swordsman Quest, Oneshot, Collective game, Draw Quest, Samurai2023-08-30 7 
April 2024
5942189Curse Carrier 3God game turned family raising simulator. Still has to take care of a few loose ends though.Curse Carrier, Draw Quest, Magic, Urban Fantasy2024-04-06 7 
May 2024
5998869DownerquestYour name is Fido Ballthrow, and the world is going to end in five days.StoryQM, Downerquest, Draw Quest, MSPaint2024-05-13 14 
5980900Curse Carrier 4Okay so I lied this isn't the final thread. Mostly taking care of the kids as they grow up.Curse Carrier, Draw Quest, Magic, Urban Fantasy2024-05-26 6 
June 2024
6023981Curse Carrier 5The ending and epilogue of Weaver and his family.Curse Carrier, Draw Quest, Magic, Urban Fantasy2024-06-11 6 
August 2024
6056315Magically Challenged QuestA human leaves his cozy technologically advanced city to go to a magic school despite his race's abnormally low mana.Magic School, Magically Challenged, Draw Quest2024-08-30 7 
September 2024
6074964Downerquest #2Your name is Fido Ballthrow, and your past is coming back to haunt (?) you.StoryQM, Downerquest, Draw Quest, MSPaint2024-09-22 7 
November 2024
6120703Downerquest #2.5Your name is Fido Ballthrow, and your life is extremely complicated.Downerquest, StoryQM, Draw Quest, Mspaint2024-11-07 7 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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